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USD 387.61
EUR 416.95
RUB 4.36

PHP/Laravel Developer

  • Ереван
  • 01/04/2022 13:27


[email protected]

  • Название компании

    Evistep Enterprise

  • Рабочая область

    Информационные технологии

  • График

    Полный день

  • Образование

  • Опыт

  • Пол

  • Возраст

  • Описание

  • We are looking for a PHP/Laravel Developer interested in taking on a challenging role with growth opportunities.

    Job Responsibilities

    ▸Write clean, secure, test-driven, easily maintainable, and modular code;
    ▸Integrate applications with third-party APIs;
    ▸Coordinate with co-developers and keep project managers well informed of the status of development efforts;
    ▸Build Laravel websites and other platforms;
    ▸Utilize backend data services and contribute to increasing existing data services API;
    ▸Managing source code using GIT.

    Required qualifications

    ▸1+ years' experience of working on a Laravel Developer position;
    ▸Knowledge of object-oriented PHP;
    ▸Experience in creating scalable REST APIs;
    ▸Hands-on experience with any RDBMS, preferably MySQL;
    ▸Basic understanding of front-end web technologies like HTML, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap;
    ▸Good understanding of Git code versioning tool;
    ▸Ability to think through problems and come up with creative solutions.

    Benefits we offer

    ▸Competitive salary;
    ▸English classes per need;
    ▸Free coffee and tea;
    ▸Discounted gym membership;
    ▸Table soccer.
