  • am
  • en
  • ru
USD 387.54
EUR 416.10
RUB 4.37

Web Designer

  • Ереван
  • 18/11/2019 17:10


[email protected]

  • Название компании


  • Рабочая область

    Искусство, Дизайн, Развлечения

  • График

    Полный день

  • Образование

  • Опыт

  • Пол

  • Возраст

  • Описание

  • Our company is seeking a Web Designer to assist with web design.

    Job responsibilities

    Design and build new websites
    Maintain and update existing websites
    Work as part of a multi-disciplinary team; collaborate with project managers on multiple projects
    Keeping up to date with recent technological and software developments, etc.

    Required qualifications

    Experience with graphic design software (Adobe Creative Suite or similar) is required
    Experience with HTML and CSS is required
    Experience with Javascript and/or other front end technologies is a plus
    Works well in a deadline-driven environment, etc.

    Interested candidates are encouraged to send their detailed CVs and at least 2 examples of designed web pages from the portfolio in JPG format to:[email protected] mentioning "Web designer" in the subject line.
