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USD 387.65
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RUB 4.36

Эргорюкзак Stokke MyCarrier Front and Back Carrier

  • Ajapnyak
  • 15/02/2023 12:20
  • Individual

Additional Info

Эрнономичный супер удобный рюкзак 3 в 1, состояние идеальное, цвет серо-коричневый (соответственно, маркировка на коробке brown) Выручал нас около 5 раз, куплен в конце лета 2022г, незаменимая вещь для поездок и перелетов. С возможностью носить ребенка как спереди, так и сзади. Можно использовать с 1 месяца до 3 лет (15 кг) //
The Stokke MyCarrier has been carefully designed and ergonomically developed to give a tailor-made fit to mums and dads of all sizes as well as your growing baby. Completely adjustable for correct weight distribution, along with softly padded cotton fabric, makes carrying comfortable for parent and child alike. With intuitive adjustments, you'll be on your way in no time. Stokke MyCarrier has been created so that your baby is correctly seated in all positions to ensure healthy development. For parent facing and back carrying, the baby sits in a broad position, while when outward facing, the baby is properly supported. No matter the movement, your child is safe and comfortable. In the back carrying position, your curious toddler will enjoy a panoramic view of the world. The child is seated high up on your back, and can easily see and explore. All components of Stokke MyCarrier are tested and approved in accordance with Oeko-Tex Standard 100, Class 1 for baby products.
Grows with the child
Can be used from 4 weeks and up to 3 years with 2-way front and back carrying
Front carrier for carrying baby from 4 weeks (approved for use from 3.5kg and 53cm)
Back carrier for carrying a child who can sit unaided. From 9 months. The seat can be adjusted when the child is approximately 18 months to ensure a better view for the child
